Chat Rules |
Rules Intro
Alamak Chat asks all users to abide by rules and policies. This is
not to restict your rights to free speech but to create a pleasant
chatting environment for everyone.
The rules have been developed by the users of the chat over time
and do not reflect the chat adminstrators own (possibly arbritrary)
sense of morality.
The rules are enforced by chat members called Operators or Ops
who may kick or ban users for offensive or unacceptable behavior. An Ops level
increases over time and higher level Ops may also kick or ban lower level Ops
in extreme cases of abuse.
Ops in turn are watched over by a Committee of selected Ops. New Committee
are selected by vote the Committee and also by Alamak office appointment.
Members who are being abused or harrassed can ask Operators for help. Operators
in turn can use two commands to report abuse of higher level Operators. The
first is /com which is used to post a message to the server committee and report
potential problem Operators or users. The second is /abuse which makes a server
copy of the current page to record what is actually happening. You can also do an
/abuse [ops_nickname] to register an abuse report with a copy of the Operators
real nickname and ID. You should always get an accurate /id when reporting a case
of abuse. A complaint that says Operator (XYZ) is usually worthless since XYZ is
probably not that Ops real nickname. If we get the ID there is a greater chance
that some action can be taken against Ops who abuse thier authority.
Abusive Operators can be handled in several ways.
- An Op may be temporarily deoped by the Committee, and this removes the ability to affect other users with
commands like kick, ban, and summon. Deops are usually between 1-4 weeks depending on the severity.
- An Op may have his level dropped either temporarily or permanently.
- An account may be suspended preventing the Op from using the nick and privledges in the chat for an undefined
period of time, and there will be no compensation for time lost on the accounts due to suspension for abuse.
- An account may be removed without refund in extreme cases of abuse, fraud, slander of Alamak, advertising
other chats, hacking, or other breach of contract.
Operators who abuse are given many warnings and chances before any permenant action like
suspension or account removal.